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Seven secrets to PC Heaven

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If you use your laptop every day. like most of us ,chances are it's going to start to degrade as the sands of time swirl by .so  we 've laid down the seven golden rules to keep you pc on the strainght and narrow and tried to recommend some decent free programs to help you along the way .
So here are our 7 best pearls of technical wisdom to help keep your laptop in Safe:

1)Stay safe and secure online:


Make sure your pc  should  protected with adequate security software: Norton interenet security if you can afford it or free anti -virus and firewall software if you can't add Threatfire and MalwareBytes anti malware of additional protection .

2)Modify your online behaviour:


The best way to avoid infection is to make sure you don't put yourself at risk. Our collegues at Tech Radar have note down a few tips and tricks of their own to help you with this.

3)Think twice before installing any  programs:


Don't Install programs for the sake of it-Ask yourself if you really need them and check it a 'PORTABLE" version os available.This can be run directly from you data drive or usb flash drive without cluttering up windows .Start your search for portable versions of youf favourite apps at protableapps,but also check the programs own site .

4)Uninstall more cleanly :


installing and removing programs quickly builds up clutter and deritus .Use Revo uninstaller instead of the program and feature control panel to remove programs from your pc -this scans your computer for leftover files and Registy entries after the program is uninstalled .enabling you to perform a cleaner uninstall.


 5)Stay  update with drivers and updates:


Make sure automatic updates is on(and choose Microsoft update if you have microsoft office installed ).and regularly check for program and driver  updates -DrivereEasy can simplify the process of updating drivers while File HIppo's update checker can do the same for selected software.


6)Start loking after your drive:


Get into the habit of running disk check-click start then my computer ,right click you c drive choose properties Tools tab and click check now Tick both boxes and click ok scheduling the check for the next time you restart .windowsxp users should also remember to run The  Disk Defragmenter every month.A nd useful tool for keeping an eye on your drive's physical health is CrystalDiskinfo.


7)Use a regular clean-Up tool:

Install something like CCleaner to periodically clear out redundant files from your hard drive -Avoid the registry cleaning tools though as these cause irreparable damage to your windows installation .instead check out Free Registry Defrag for compacting and de-fraging your Registry.
lastly when you re happy with your speedy new look laptop its time to make yourself a hot cup ot tea and put your feet up with some biscuits and latest issue ot what laptop tablet &smartphone .go on you ve earned it

For Further Reading,
laptops, Latest tech, secretes, Windows 7