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Notepad funny trick for windows 7

Hey Guys Now i am going to show you how to make cool matrix batch file using notepad.
 Okay Lets Follow the simple Steps..........

1. Go to start--> Select Notepad -->Open the Notepad and then Enter
 the below code into the notepad

       @echo off
       color 2
       echo %random% %random% %random% %random%
       %random% %random% %random% %random%
       %random% %random% %random% %random%
       goto start

   2. Save the file as .bat file Extension  and note in the below screen shot. i forgoted to insert last sentence (goto start) so if your forgot to insert this goto start sentence in the last  of the code so when you try to see the output then the you cannot see the output properly.

   3.Double click on file That you have saved  and it will open the matrix file like shown below scren shot

This  is very cool trick i have tried  and now  you can try for yourself and enjoy and update some more cool tricks to your mind and search some more cool tricks in 40Tricks :)

For Further Reading,
Windows 7