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Best Notepad Trick Power User Function Keys

Now i am  sharing with you a very Best Notepad tricks . with you guys you will enjoy it.

The real fact  is that functions keys are actually do something in Command prompt that may be one of the best notepad secrets.
best notepad tricks,windows 7 tricks,top windows tricks and tips,40tricks  notepad tricka and tips

The following 9 keys are very helpfull for those who one work on  computer daily 

F1: This function key  is used to  Pastes the last executed command (character by character)
F2: This function key is used to  Paste the last executed coomand (up to the entered character)
F3:This function key is used to   Pastes executed command .
F4: This function key is used to  Delete  current prompt text up to the entered character.
F5 This function key is used to   pastes recently executed coomands (does not  cycle)
F6: This function key is used to  Pastes ^ Z to the prompt
F7: This function key is used to  Displays a selectable list of previously executed commands .
F8: This function key is used       Pastes recentl y executed  command (cycles).
F9: This function key is used to   Asks for the number of the command from the f7 list to paste
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For Further Reading,
notepad funny tricks, Windows 7